Raw seabass with ginger and radish recipe

Fresh seabass with an assortment of colourful radish chunks and spiced with ginger. If you can't find multi-coloured radishes, use traditional red radishes.

Important note: Check with your fishmonger that the seabass is sufficiently fresh to be eaten raw.



  • Cuisine: French
  • Recipe Type: Starter
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Preparation Time: 250 mins
  • Cooking Time: 0 mins
  • Serves: 6


  1. Rinse the seabass and pat it dry. Line the bottom of a large serving plate with half of the grated ginger. Arrange the fillets of fish on top then sprinkle with the remaining half of the ginger.
  2. Drizzle the fish with enough olive oil to moisten it evenly then cover the plate with cling film (plastic wrap). Transfer it to the refrigerator and leave the fish to marinate for at least 6 hours and up to 12 hours.
  3. To complete the tartare, wash the radishes well and trim them. If you like, you can keep the stalks to make a soup. Cut the radishes into small cubes and put them in a mixing bowl.
  4. Wipe the marinated fish, guarding the oil in which it was steeped. Use a well-sharpened knife to cut the fillets of fish into small evensized morsels.
  5. Combine the pieces of fish with the radish. Strain the oil through a fine sieve set over a jug and set it aside. Unless you are ready to serve the tartare immediately, cover it and keep it chilled. Serve with a sprinkling of coriander or cilantro flowers, if desired.

Recipe extracted from Raw Food French Style by Delphine de Montalier. Published by Frances Lincoln www.franceslincoln.com

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