loveFOOD's Scottish Food & Drink Fortnight: we try deep-fried Mars Bars

Updated on 07 May 2015 | 0 Comments

Team loveFOOD head to a local chippy to try out a deep-fried chocolate bar and deliver their verdict.

Feeling that the Scottish Food Adventure wouldn't be complete without trying out a dessert, loveFOOD pondered what to pick, before Managing Editor Simon Ward came up with the answer: deep-fried Mars Bars.

Though they've received much negative press for being hugely unhealthy (and rightly so), we don't see the harm in indulging ourselves occasionally and trying new things.

So we headed down to local chippy Fish Central, who expertly prepared a few bars for our delectation. 

While we can't say this is something we'd eat on even a half-regular basis, we agreed that they taste amazing. Matt says that he wasn't at all keen on the idea beforehand, but would happily eat one again, albeit in about a year's time: "it's not what I expected at all. I thought it would be slimy or greasy, but it's like a thick hot chocolate with added caramel." Simon liked the gooey melted texture in the bar, saying that it contrasted well with the crispy batter on the outside.

Mars Bars - after

Have you ever tried a deep-fried Mars Bar, or a similar dish? What did you make of it? Let us know in the Comments below.

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