Scallops recipe

At Apsleys, A Heinz Beck Restaurant; Beck has created a menu that focuses on lighter Mediterranean-inspired dishes and is concerned with keeping dishes healthy and as approachable as they are exciting. This beautiful scollop dish is typically served as a starter.



  • Cuisine: British
  • Recipe Type: Starter
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Preparation Time: 15 mins
  • Cooking Time: 30 mins
  • Serves: 4


  1. Scallops: Shell the scallops and remove the coral. Wash them well and fry in a pan. Cut into slices and marinate with extra-virgin olive oil, lemon juice and salt.
  2. Pea puree: Remove the peas from the pod. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry it in extra-virgin olive oil. Add the peas. Sauté briefly and add some white wine. Evaporate and add the fish stock and cook. Drain and mix in a blender and season with salt if necessary.
  3. Artichokes:Clean the artichokes and remove the artichoke choke. Cut the half of the artichokes in slices and fry in extra-virgin olive oil. Cut the other half in small cubes and sauté with oil with extra-virgin olive oil, a clove of garlic and peperoncino. Add the fish stock and cook until it is almost completely evaporated. Remove the garlic and season with lemon, tarragon, salt and extra-virgin olive oil.
  4. Preparation dish: Put on the dish some quenelle of pea puree. Add the scallops. Place a spoonful of them with the artichoke vinaigrette and decorate with pea shoots and artichoke chips.

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Apsleys, a Heinz Beck Restaurant


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