Halloween cookies recipe

We love the idea of spells and cauldrons so here are all the ingredients for a truly terrifying witches’ brew, to becast under the watchful eyes of the owl and the black cat.

These cookies are gluten-free chocolatey ones. You'll need cookie cutters shaped like pumpkins, ghosts and/or bats, and a little food dye to make the right coloured icing.


For the royal icing


  • Cuisine: English
  • Recipe Type: Cake
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Preparation Time: 10 mins
  • Cooking Time: 20 mins
  • Serves: 24


  1. Preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Sift all the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix together.
  2. Melt chocolate and butter together carefully over a low heat and pour into the dry ingredients.
  3. Stir well and then using just the tips of your fingers, rub together the ingredients until the mixture comes together. Stop as soon as a ball can be formed.
  4. Place the dough onto your clean worktop. Divide into two and squash the dough into two even-sized flat discs. Cover and chill until ready to use, or roll out immediately and cut into pumpkin/bat/ghost shapes. Bake for 14-18 minutes, depending on how thick you've rolled the dough.
  5. For the pumpkin: Use green writing icing to make stalk detail. Pipe orange line around edge of pumpkin and add eye and mouth details. Allow to dry for 5 minutes. Flood with orange (for how to make royal icing, see below, steps 8-10). Allow to dry. Add orange lines for stripes to finish, if wished.
  6. For the ghost: Outline the body of ghost in white. Outline the eyes and mouth in orange. Allow to dry for 5 minutes. Flood with white runny icing and allow to dry.
  7. For the big bat: Ice around wing outline in black and pipe a little oval line for the tummy. Allow to dry for 5 minutes. Flood the wings and head with black. After 1 minute, sprinkle on silver glitter and flood the tummy with black. Allow to dry. Brush off excess glitter and add two yellow eyes.
  8. How to make royal icing: combine the water, icing sugar and egg white powder, starting with the liquids first. Add the dry ingredients and whisk or beat for about 5 minutes if using an electric beater or whisk, or for longer if using a wooden spoon. Whisk slowly to start with to avoid clouds of icing sugar covering you and your kitchen.
  9. Continue whisking until the ingredients form a thick, smooth paste that is bright white in colour and has the consistency of toothpaste. Add colour (optional) a little at a time until you get the desired shade.
  10. If you are not using immediately, cover the surface of the icing with clingfilm to stop it drying out and refrigerate.

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