Rollmops with prune and orange recipe

Make your own rollmops with a prune and orange filling.

Matias herrings are the young herrings, kept in salt before selling. So they are not raw/fresh herrings. That’s why you should soak them in water or milk at the beginning, to make them less salty. They are very popular in Poland.

This recipe is very, very easy to make, but takes time as the herring fillets need soaking and the finished rollmops should be rested in a fridge for a few hours before serving. Makes 20 rollmops.


To hold your rollmops together


  • Cuisine: Polish
  • Recipe Type: Snack
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Preparation Time: 300 mins
  • Cooking Time: 0 mins
  • Serves: 10


  1. Soak the herring fillets in either water or milk for at least 2 hours, changing the liquid several times.
  2. Slice the soaked herring fillets in half, so that rollmops are neat and not too high. If the fillets are very thick, cut some of the flesh away from the herring using a knife, working towards the top of the fillets using a gentle saw-like motion (it should be easy to roll).
  3. Wash the oranges and then zest them with a zester. Then remove the white pith from the oranges, leaving only the juicy fillets of fruit. Cut the California prunes in half.
  4. On the top of fillet put half-piece of the California prune, orange fillet and a few strands of orange peel from oranges. Then roll the fillet up and pierce end with a cocktail stick to hold in place.
  5. Place the rollmops in the bottom of a deep dish and pour linseed oil until all rollmops are covered. Set aside the rollmops in the fridge for min. several hours. Enjoy your meal!

This recipe was devised by Julita Strzalkowska for California Prunes

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