Britain's favourite barbecue food

Updated on 26 July 2012 | 0 Comments

Move over burgers and bangers - we're much more adventurous these days, according to a new survey.

If you’re breaking out the barbecue this weekend, what will you be throwing on it? Chances are some form of marinated meat and stuffed vegetables, if the results of a new survey are anything to go by.

The survey says that three-quarters of us are now making more of an effort to try different flamed flavours, with one in five ditching burgers and sausages altogether.

And half of the people surveyed said they would be disappointed if they went to a barbie and burgers and bangers were the only things on the menu.

Here are the top 10 foods people are serving at a barbecue:

1. Marinated chicken breasts

2. Marinated steaks

3. Meat and vegetable kebabs

4. Potato salad

5. Jacket potatoes

6. Homemade burgers

7. Prawn skewers

8. Homemade coleslaw

9. Marinated ribs

10. Tuna pasta salad

Venison and duck were also popular with a fifth of the people polled by soy sauce company Kikkoman.

If you want to break away from the barbecue norm, then take a look at our easy barbecue recipes, which features the likes of sea bass, hanuch of venison and lamb sausage kebabs with a tzatziki dip.

What do you look to cook on the barbie? Let us know in the Comments section below.

More barbecue inspiration

10 best places to BBQ in the UK

Which is the best barbecue?

What to do when your BBQ gets rained off

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