What’s your favourite food smell?

Updated on 27 June 2014 | 0 Comments

Sensory scientists have highlighted strawberries as Britain’s favourite food smell this summer. Is it yours?

The University of London’s Centre for the Study of Senses has found that the smell of strawberries excites Brits more than any other food at this time of year. The red berry evokes summer memories for 77% of us, most commonly involving garden parties, street markets, picnics, weddings, or breakfast in bed.

Sunshine and happiness 

Two thirds of respondents said the smell of strawberries prompts thoughts of sunshine, while 44% experienced a feeling of happiness, and 30% said that the aroma brought relaxing memories to mind. The smell of other fruits such as apples and bananas conjured visions of munching breakfast on the go, or cramming in lunch at work. 

The scientists, who conducted trials on British volunteers in the Centre’s sensory lab, also concluded that the sounds of 'a picnic' and 'lawn mowers cutting grass' made strawberries taste 'fruitier' – especially when compared to how they taste when listening to an office or commuting environment.

A dish for all the senses 

Following this sensorial discovery, chef James 'Jocky' Petrie (Head of Development at The Ledbury in London) has been busy creating dishes that appeal to all the senses and heighten the overall eating experience. His crazy concoctions include a strawberry and chilli nectar that evokes the heat of a summer’s day, and a strawberry sandwich made with white chocolate sponge, olive oil ganache, mint leaves, coriander seeds and a layer of ‘grass’ made of white chocolate and wheatgrass. 

Chef Petrie said: “No flavour shouts summer to me more than that of a strawberry. It’s an extraordinarily diverse berry that adds real depth of flavour to any sweet or savoury dish, complementing bitter and acid ingredients.”

Sensory expert from the University of London, Professor Barry Smith, added: “More than any other sense, smell can evoke powerful, emotional memories. Strawberries have been shown to trigger nostalgic summer memories, because people usually see them as a seasonal treat.  

“Despite the fact that strawberries and cream is one of the most popular food combinations, the majority of people associate British strawberries with the waft of freshly mown grass – so top chefs are already creating recipes to conjure these aromas.” 

What’s your favourite food smell? And what does it make you think of? Talk to us in the Comments box below.

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