What's your dream food destination?

Updated on 25 February 2015 | 0 Comments

Where in the world would you like to have a culinary adventure? Tell us about your food holiday wishlist.

Many people's holiday highlight, particularly if you're a keen foodie, is trying out the local cuisine. Indeed, several travel companies now offer holidays that are solely based around learning what the locals eat and how to cook the specialities of the place you're visiting.

If you’ve been keeping up with the BBC show A Cook Abroad, you’ll have seen various famous chefs visiting their dream culinary destinations.

We particularly enjoyed John Torode's visit to the country he calls the “spiritual heart” of beef cooking: Argentina.

Argentina’s barbecues (asados) are the stuff of legend, and the show makes it clear that the country lives up to its reputation – hardly a moment goes by without some form of juicy beef sneaking into shot.

Our wishlist

So where does the Lovefood team want to jet off to and why?

I would like to visit Thailand to sample its food at its best. I love the food from the takeaways and restaurants that are becoming more popular here, but what I hear from people who have visited the country is that it's a shadow of the real thing. Fragrant, strong-tasting, with a burst of spice – right up my street.

Managing Editor Simon Ward says: "I'd like to sample the fresh seafood, particularly the Bouillabaisse stew, on France's Mediterranean coast. And I'm with Mr Torode in slavering over the steak of Argentina. I've also been to a couple of really interesting Ethiopian restaurants so would like to eat their food in their country."

Where do you want to go?

So many countries, so little time. We’re keen to know where you'd go if money and time allowed. What would you want to eat? Where would you like to cook? What would you like to learn? And who would you like to learn from?

Let us know all about your food travel dreams in the Comments box below.

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